Mission of Outrider Ministries for Christ
We are a going ministry for a coming Savior, and our mission is to encourage the disheartened, proclaim the message of Christ, serve those in need, and pray for you.
We do that through …
- The publication of stories and devotionals on our website meant to encourage and inspire people to stand up on God’s word and stand out in service to others;
- Targeted evangelistic and exhortative outreach;
- A powerful and purposeful prayer ministry;
- Bringing attention to the plight of the poor, homeless, and hurting around the world and serving those in need while encouraging others to find an area of ministerial outreach in their lives;
- Preaching and teaching whenever and wherever possible;
- One-on-one evangelism and street ministry; and
- Publication of Christian growth and evangelistic materials.
Our four-pillar mission laser focuses the ministry’s efforts on encouragement, evangelism, service, and prayer. We accomplish those tasks via the information highway and our travels along the highways, byways, waterways, streets, trails, and back-alleys of this world.
Giving hope to others is at the heart of the word encouragement. It is synonymous with words like inspire, hearten, cheer, lift up, and vitalize. The concept centers on giving hope that brings about positive action. A cowboy spurs on his mighty steed to chase down the steer while a sports coach fires up his charges for victory. A biker revs the engine, hears the roar, and then feels the speed.
The stories, devotionals, pictures, and videos on our website or posted to our social media accounts are meant to encourage and inspire people to stand up on God’s word and stand out in service to others. It’s an effort to build up the body of Christ, challenge the sins in our lives, stir up a burden within Christians for service, and then spur each of us to action.
Matthew 5:16 says, “Let your light so shine before men, that they might see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” We want to kindle that light – the fire – within our fellow servants of Christ so all of us will become workers for the kingdom. As it says in James 1:22, “Be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.” By our individual and collective actions as the hands and feet of Christ, our lights will shine brightly and the world will turn their eyes to heaven and glorify the Father.
Of course, encouragement is also at the heart of the other three pillars of the ministry as we strive to save the lost, serve the hurting, and fervently pray.
Outrider is committed to boldly proclaiming the word of God, both on the internet and in personal encounters. We long to spread the Gospel message – the good news of Christ – in all we say and do as fishers of men. Everywhere Outrider goes, we want to share the forgiveness and new life found in John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”
The leadership of OMC has a deep desire to serve others, to be a helping hand in someone’s time of need. There are so many ways each of us can serve our fellow man daily, but Outrider is specifically committed to bringing attention to the plight of the poor, homeless, and hurting around the world and serving those in need while encouraging others to find and area of ministerial outreach in their lives. Of course, Outrider also views our online endeavors, evangelistic efforts, and prayer outreach as service.
As we focus on these areas of service, we give attention to Galatians 5:13, which states, “For you, brethren, have been called to Liberty; only do not use liberty as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another.” We also pay attention to these words in I Peter 4:10, “As each has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards to the manifold grace of God.”
One of the greatest delights of those at OMC is our powerful and purposeful intercessory prayer ministry, and just like each of the pillars, it is vitally linked to the other three. For example, much of our online encouragement ministry will focus on teaching about prayer. We use it to entreat believers to tap into the power of prayer and become mighty warriors interceding on behalf of family, friends, and strangers. We also have an online category called Spur to Action in which we bring attention to areas of concern within society while calling on prayer warriors to unite in intercession.
Prayer and fasting are also vital to our evangelistic efforts as we confront demonic forces and seek to lead others to Christ. When Jesus cast out a demon that refused to budge at his disciples’ efforts, Christ said in Matthew 17:21, “This kind does not go but by prayer and fasting.”
Of course, prayer is also intrinsically linked to our efforts to serve. We strive to do nothing apart from prayer and believe it is the fuel behind all we do. It lays the groundwork for the road we walk and the paths we cross. OMC heeds the words in Romans 12:12 calling us to rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, and be constant in prayer.
If you like and are blessed by the content created by Outrider Ministries for Christ, we encourage you to regularly visit our website while also telling your family and friends about us. Never forget – you are important to us and vital to our success at spreading the word of God and the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all the world. May His abounding love, mercy, and grace be upon you.